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Be Free, Open and Fearless

He who walks in skillful and godly wisdom shall be delivered (Proverbs 28:26b). So, keep God's law continually, forever and ever (hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it). Walk in liberty and at ease, as you seek and inquire for His precepts.

live in freedom, live in God's love, share Jesus, wisdom, help, save others, set others free
Share God's love, give God's freedom

Speak of His testimonies before kings and you will not be put to shame. Delight yourself in His commandments, which you shall love. Your hands also you shall lift up to His commandments which you shall love, and meditate on His statutes. So shall the Lord remember fervently the word and promise to you, in which He has caused you to hope. This is your comfort and consolation in your affliction that His Word has revived you and given you life (Psalm 119:44-50).

      Live as a free person, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness, but live at all times as a servant of God (I Peter 2:16). For you are indeed called to freedom; only do not let your freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse for selfishness, but through love you should serve others (Galatians 5:13).

      And, just as Jesus sent out the twelve disciples saying, “Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And, as you go, preach, saying “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!”, and cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. For freely you have received, freely give”(Matthew 10:5-8). You do the same. Since you shall know the Truth, the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32). And, since you have such glorious hope (such joyful and confident expectation), speak very freely and openly and fearlessly. (I Corinthians 3:12).

 For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you,

because the Lord has anointed and qualified you to preach the Gospel of good tidings

to the meek, the poor, and afflicted;

He has sent you to bind up and heal the brokenhearted;

to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives

and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,

to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God,

to comfort all who mourn, to great consolation and joy to those who mourn in Zion –

to give them an ornament of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit –

that they may be called oaks of righteousness (lofty, strong, and magnificent,

distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God),

the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified (Isaiah 61:1-3).


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